According to a poll of 5,679 individuals conducted by Reuters, 75% of people who vape still continue to use analog tobacco products. This study puzzled us here at Hacking Vapor, simply due to us personally knowing a little less than 100 individuals who vape, and only 1 out of that group still currently smokes cigarettes. So, we beg to ask the question, where are these polled individuals from? and more importantly, are they using disposable e-cigs?
Majority of the individuals attempting to transition to vaping have little knowledge of what vaping is, other than what is exposed to them at their local gas station. When one uses a Blu or Njoy, one simply does not experience vaping in it’s entirety, instead one experiences a poorly made device that is desperately attempting to mimic a cigarette.
In Reuter’s article, they quoted an individual saying, “You don’t get the great big burst of nicotine you get with a cigarette”. This statement is absolutely true when using a typical gas station e-cig, but no one can say that a 24mg nicotine e-liquid—even in a cheap eGo setup— does not output enough nicotine to suffice one’s craving.
Overall, it seems Reuters only polled older individuals who are not technologically-inclined, or those who do not do further research in the activity they’re taking part in. That being said, we would like to see this study redone, but this time completed with sample groups from local vape shops and online communities like Reddit— we bet the results will be drastically different.
The post Seventy-Five Percent Of People Who Vape Still Smoke? appeared first on Hacking Vapor Magazine.